
Saturday, January 10, 2015


My name is Jessica. I ran cross country and track in high school and was a competitive Irish dancer for 12 years. My exposure to other sports has been limited. I played basketball well enough to be asked if I'd ever played on a team, but not well enough to ever actually make a team. I was mediocre in church-league volleyball. In intramural soccer and softball, I played the all-important role of making sure we had enough females on the field.

I learned to swim in my backyard pool and in the ocean, so I am very comfortable in water but have terrible form. I took beginner tennis, scuba-diving, and weight-lifting classes in college. I set my elementary school's flexed-arm hang and pull-up records. I've recently taken up skateboarding, which I love.

I enjoy being active and working out. I'm a huge fan of American Ninja Warrior and would love to compete on the show one day. My primary strength-training regimen involves bodyweight training at home. My main sources of cardio are walking, hiking, and skateboarding. I have had two knee surgeries, and I have chronic patellar tendinitis (which limits the activities I can do).

There are so many different sports and activities that I'd love to try out: aerial silks, parkour, crossfit, Brazilian jiu jitsu, kickboxing, capoeira, krav maga, yoga, tai chi, martial arts, boot camps... Atlanta has all these and more, so I'm trying them out one by one. I'll review each facility, and I'll also occasionally review home exercise equipment and nutritional products.

I welcome any suggestions of facilities, classes, or products to try out.